Gentrol Aerosol IGR can (16 oz)

Sale price$17.25


  • Description
  • Features and Benefits
  • Specs
  • Labels and SDS Forms

Gentrol Aerosol IGR provides 120 days of pest prevention by disrupting the development of roaches, bed bugs, fruit flies, drain flies, and stored product pests. Powered by hydroprene, it prevents pests from maturing into reproductive adults, stopping infestations before they grow. The ready-to-use foaming formula penetrates deep into cracks, crevices, and wall voids, making it ideal for residential, commercial, and food-handling environments.

  • 120 days of residual pest prevention
  • Stops insect development to prevent infestations
  • Foaming formula reaches deep into cracks & crevices
  • Perfect for food storage areas, drains, and voids
  • Safe for food-handling establishments when used as directed
ACTIVE INGREDIENT (S)-Hydroprene 0.36%, Other Ingredients 99.64%
TARGET PESTS bedbugs, drain flies, fruit flies, cockroaches, stored product pests
APPLICATION 16 oz. can covers approx. 1200 sq ft. surface area




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