- Description
- Specs
- Labels and SDS Forms
Transline is an extremely effective herbicide alone or used as a tank mix partner with other herbicides. It provides both contact and soil residual activity. It works especially well in grass pastures for season long control of broadleaf and noxious weeds.
Transline is an extremely effective herbicide alone or used as a tank mix partner with other herbicides. It provides both contact and soil residual activity. It works especially well in grass pastures for season long control of broadleaf and noxious weeds.
For selective, postemergence control of broadleaf weeds in non-cropland areas including equipment pathways, industrial manufacturing and storage sites and rights-of-way such as along roadsides, electrical lines and railroads. Use on these sites may include application to grazed areas as well as establishment and maintenance of wildlife openings, wild parkland and wildlife management areas, and forest spot application adjacent to these sites. Apply to actively growing weeds. Controls acacias, Jerusalem artichoke, wild buckwheat, bufalobur, common burdock, chamomile, clover, cocklebur, coffeewood, cornflower, dandelion, curly dock, groundsel, hawksbeard, hawkweed, horseweed, jimsonweed, knapweed, kudzu, ladysthumb, prickly lettuce, locoweed, marshelder, mesquite, nightshade, oxeye daisy, pineappleweed, ragweed, salsify, sicklepod, smartweed, sorrel, sowthistle, sunflower, teasel, thistle, and vetch. Active ingredient is 40.9% clopyralid: 3,6-dichloro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid, monoethanolamine salt.
Use rate in pastures is only 1/3 to 1 1/3 pints per acre depending on weed species.
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